dimanche 11 février 2007

February 14th: Happy Valentine!

Wednesday 14th February : Valentine Day!!!!

Can you believe it? Shouldn't you all be wearing something red to celebrate that day? What do you think?
Here is a photo that I took last year in Curaçao on Valentine day to show you how popular this day is in lots of countries, the Caribbean Islands for instance, not to mention England.

More seriously, we will be having a half-term test which isn't going to be a bed of -red-roses as usual unfortunately .

*Grammaire: tout depuis le début de l'année jusqu'à la futurité et le futur dans les subordonnées de temps
*Les exposés des élèves: "Where the Tuna roam", "Plastic Paper", "Ship spilling oil and cargo off England" "mission to the moon", "radiation tests after spy death"
*Class themes: Food, the food pyramid, health and nutrition, the trans-fat and smoking cartoon,genetics, Gmos.

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